
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Nicole Lavelle

Nicole Lavelle

Nicole Lavelle is an artist and designer living in the San Francisco Bay Area on Coast Miwok and Karkin Ohlone territory. Her work is socially engaged, driven by research, and rooted in place.

Her two published works—PAPER ROAD (Publication Studio San Francisco, 2017), and The Relation Between Things in a Continuum (Flower Press, 2019)—both explore the nuances and complexities of place as it relates to personal and collective identity. She is the editor and publisher of OYSTERS, a casually-published arts and culture magazine about West Marin, California.

She attended the Social Practice MFA at California College of the Arts and the Graduate Fellowship at Headlands Center for the Arts.

Books by Nicole

Coming soon!

Tiffany Jana

Tiffany Jana

Amber Mayfield

Amber Mayfield